Nov 5, 2015

BioChem Cuts the Electric Bill by $510,000 at the Largest Wastewater Plant in Asia

The Bailonggang (BLG) wastewater plant serves the city of Shanghai.  With a designed treatment capacity of 740 MGD, it is the largest wastewater treatment plant on the Asian continent.   Over 21 million kW-hr, at an average cost (USD equivalent) of 12 cents, were required to supply aeration to the 8 secondary treatment process trains.

China, like all industrial economies, has energy challenges, not only owing to scarcity but the environmental consequences of energy consumption.  The environmental problem in China is exacerbated by the fact that over 70% of their electricity is produced from fossil fuels, overwhelmingly coal, which is particularly dirty to burn (as compared to less than 40% in the US).   Therefore China is particularly keen to save energy for both economic and environmental reasons.

With BioChem's engineers overseeing the process design and implementation, both of BioChem's biological process centered systems - the process controller (BIOS), and the aeration controller (BACS) were installed at BLG.

As a result, the calculated powered savings was 20%.  This translates to some 4,250,000 kW-hr saved, or $510,000 annual cost savings.   Incidentally, in terms of environmental impact, it saves about 522 tons of coal, and avoids 1,500 tons of CO2.  Of course the water is cleaner too!

To read all about it, the full technical description, some of the problems encountered and overcome, and more of the documented performance results - see the recent article by clicking here.