Nov 5, 2015

How do you meet stricter effluent standards and save 20% on your electric bill, without increasing the physical (hydraulic) capacity of your plant?

Through a "holistic approach" to process design and management, BioChem solved this problem, and achieved these results for the City of Lebanon, PA.

Our Bioprocess Intelligent Optimization System (BIOS) calculates optimal setpoints in real-time for the DO, internal recycle and carbon dozing rates, while automatically switching swing zones between aerobic and anoxic, and controlling a trickling filter by-pass option.  

The BIOS was installed in conjunction with our patented Bioprocess Aeration Control System (BACS), to really supercharge this plant for both effectiveness and efficiency.  BioChem's BACS is the only  aeration control scheme in the world that actually calculates, as a measured volume, the precise amount of air required to maintain a DO concentration based on the real time oxygen uptake rate.  Nothing else can maintain a "flat-line" of actual DO to setpoint like it.  And it does so with minimal valve oscillations while being easy on the blowers.

Read all about it in two parts - here and here.